What our partners say about us
Shakira and Kate were absolutely wonderful to work with. With two very unique, positive and reflective personalities, Shakira and Kate complimented each other's methods and techniques so well. They not only kept us on track to achieve the goals we set out for our strategy planning session, they also allowed time and space for us to feel our feelings (whatever they may be) and to reflect on the impact our work was having on us as individuals, as a group and as a community. They dove deep into our work, and many eyes were opened wider and perspectives were broadened because of their commitment to our success. The board and staff of Music Nova Scotia have taken many thoughts, observations and lessons forward with us since our sessions with Shakira and Kate, and we couldn't be more grateful for it. Thank you both for your kindness and compassion, and for creating a safe space for our group to have some tough conversations. I highly recommend Chrysalis Human Rights Agency!
~ Meghan Scott
President of the Board of Music Nova Scotia
The Transition House Association of Nova Scotia is a non-profit umbrella association of violence-against-women organizations, including 11 transition houses and outreach centres across the province. As part of our efforts to create accessible, inclusive, and safe spaces within our shelters, we engaged Chrysalis Human Rights Agency to deliver in-person training on Africentricity to our member organizations. Shakira and staff were extremely informative, professional, and responsive to our organization's needs. Our staff spoke highly of the training they received, and were excited to practice the principles they learned. We also engaged Chrysalis Human Rights Agency to develop an online training module which will be delivered to our staff across the province. Collaborating with Chrysalis Human Rights Agency was a very positive experience, and we look forward to working together on future endeavors!
~ Breagh MacDonald-Rahn
Project Assistant THANS
Our work with Chrysalis had an impact beyond the original project we worked together on. The questions they posed challenged us to reflect on how we engage with community and each other and pushed us to think about how we need to do better when it comes to incorporating DEI beyond a superficial add on in our work. It has been several months since our regular engagement with Chrysalis ended, and we are still reflecting on, and working toward, implementing much of my learnings we gained through our conversations. While the successful completion of the project was important, for me, this ongoing reflection and questioning of some of the taken for granted notions we had about how we move through our community work has been the deeper impact of our work with Chrysalis. Thank you to the team for sharing you knowledge, understanding, professionalism, and patience with us!
~ Martha Fanjoy
Director of Programs, Coady Institute, StFX
The team at Chrysalis Human Rights Agency were a dream to work with. They took the needs and experience of our sector and were able to develop a full day workshop that supported not only where people were at currently, but pushed them outside their comfort zone encouraging growth and impacting practices across the board. Shakira is a dynamic facilitator who had us captivated from the very first moment, and we are grateful for the day spent with learning from her.
~ Megan McPhee (she/her)
Professional Learning Coordinator/Assistant Executive Director
This session should be presented to the sector as a whole. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to take part and share with others.
~ Workshop Participant
I found the session very informative and I liked how the presenter was very matter of fact about the topics she was presenting -she didn't pull her punches but she was very nice and polite.
~ Workshop Participant
This was an incredible session! Everyone needs to hear this information. I continue to look at my practice and my personal being through a new lens. Chrysalis needs to be at our conference. What an amazing team and speakers!
~ Workshop Participant
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